In 2009 Cronosoft released my game for the 48k Spectrum Bipboi on Cassette
I felt a real sense of satisfaction finally releasing a game for the ZX Spectrum, I got my 16k Issue 2 mail order Speccy in December 1982, so it only took 27 years.
During the development I got great support from Shaun Bebbington who wrote for Micro Mart back in the day, for the Retro section, I still have the original mags somewhere in the loft.
Now, a further 15 years on from then, Shaun asked the question on Facebook “Will there be a sequel”. This timed exactly with a quick sketch I did this morning on my car window:
And so, I have been meaning to write another game for the Speccy, and today I begin work on Bipboi Returns,
I will document progress here, stay tuned, the stars of Bip must be saved once again!